Here are my cholesterol tests from the past couple of years along with my most recent results. My initial results from 2010 when I was following the standard american diet actually look remarkably ideal, despite the diet, however I was running almost 3 miles a day during this period AND I was carrying around more weight and a greater body fat percentage. So while my blood work looked ideal, my outside appearance didn’t really reflect it… and I was exhausted from all the running I was doing.… Read More
Tag: paleo
Wheat Germ Agglutinin
Great post yesterday on Rob Wolff’s blog about one of the other substances you get exposed to when you consume wheat products. One line in particular caught my attention:
“…it increases glucose transport into fat and liver cells while blocking the ability of stored fat to be released. This can make losing weight impossible and the fact that more glucose is getting brought to the liver; it can increase the amounts of triglycerides in our blood. – See more at:″
Yet another reason to avoid wheat products…… Read More
Why I Decided To Try Nutritional Ketosis
I’ve always been on the heavier side and struggling with my weight was the norm for me. While I wouldn’t have called myself morbidly obese or anything, I would say that I was doughy with a good amount of ‘spare tire’ and ‘love handles’ with an estimated body fat percentage of around 30%. I am 5’9″ and at my heaviest weighed around 215 lbs. I managed to lower my weight to around 200 lbs using a lot of caloric restriction which left me hungry and unsatisfied most of the time. … Read More
What happens to my ketone levels after BJJ?
My BJJ class with David Boehme, was scheduled for the morning today, so I couldn’t eat breakfast at my normal time. Since I didn’t want to throw up or start burping in Dave’s face during the class, I decided to just go without eating anything.
With my prior experience I knew that since I’m ketoadapted (my AM ketones today were 1.0 mmol), I wouldn’t bonk out from hypoglycemia, so I felt pretty comfortable going in a fasted state.
We had good training with some reviewing of techniques, position specific drilling, and some light rolling. … Read More
Day 2 – Nutritional Ketosis
Weight: 179.6
AM Ketones: 0.8
PM Ketones: 0.8
AM Blood Glucose:
PM Blood Glucose:
Hours of Sleep: 4.5 hrs
Energy Level: Horrible!
Physical Activity: None
Due to unforeseen circumstances I ended staying up later than anticipated and subsequently not getting a good amount of sleep, which pretty much screwed me for the rest of the day. I was pretty much running on empty all day long.
I had originally intended to go to a BJJ class this morning, but given my lack of sleep, I just couldn’t make it… and I stayed in bed for another hour or so.… Read More
Day 0 – Nutritional Ketosis
AM Ketones:
PM Ketones: 0.8
AM Blood Glucose:
PM Blood Glucose:
Hours of Sleep:
Energy Level: Excellent!
Physical Activity: Tabata intervals x 2, using 60 lb kettle bell, alternating between swings, bent over rows, and pushups.
Just got my ketone strips in the mail, so I can finally start experimenting!… Read More