Following my embarrassing and poorly executed Carb Nite / Carb Back-Loading experiment this June and July where I actually ended up fatter at the conclusion of the experiment than when I started, the BJJ Cavewife and I did a little bit of traveling to Germany and Croatia (I’ve been sneaking travel pictures into my Random Reading Posts).
While travel is a great opportunity to see the world, experience different cultures, and broaden horizons… it’s frankly terrible for weight loss. Of course I ended up putting on a few extra pounds at the end of this trip.
With all the jet lag, circadian disruption, and the opportunity to sample so many tasty foreign treats… especially when you see something new every day that you want to try, it’s actually amazing that I haven’t ballooned even more!
Before I start going into my latest Carb Nite experiment I wanted to give you an idea of just SOME of the delightful delicacies I was compelled to taste while overseas… which definitely contributed to my new starting weight at the beginning of this Carb Nite experiment:

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As you can see, when faced with all of this temptation, almost every day becomes a Carb Nite / Cheat Day! Hence the need to get back on track once I got home…
The next post will detail my attempt to get things back under control.