Weight: 179
AM Ketones: 0.5
AM Blood Glucose: 85
Hours of Sleep: 5:38
Energy Level: Good
Physical Activity: BJJ
Nutritional Ketosis Streak: 24 days
Still barely hanging in there. I’m scared to imagine what would’ve happened if I didn’t do a little bit of exercise last nite… I definitely would have fell out of ketosis!
My sleep hasn’t been very good these past two nights because of some personal stuff going on. I wonder if the stress I’m under coupled with the lack of sleep caused a spike in my cortisol (a stress hormone). Cortisol is bad because it raises your blood glucose… which then brings in insulin, which then kills my ketones.
Will definitely try to get more sleep tonite.
The good news is that my diet has still been pretty good.

Tomorrow my ketones should go up, especially since I ate less than 20 grams of carbs all day AND I had a pretty intense BJJ session today. Forecast: 1.1 mmol.