Weight: 180.6
AM Ketones: 0.5
AM Blood Glucose: 91
Hours of Sleep: 5:55
Energy Level: Excellent
Physical Activity: Incline walk x 25 min
Nutritional Ketosis Streak: 23 days
I almost broke my streak of remaining in nutritional ketosis! I have to admit that I was a little disappointed to see my ketones fall to the 0.5 mmol level. My best explanation for this is that I had 2 consecutive days of minimal physical activity. Day 47 was spent sitting in airports and airplanes and Day 48 was spent at my job which is primarily sitting at a desk working on a computer. Luckily we have desks that can elevate so I stand it up as often as I can and I take tea breaks as often as I can just to get my body moving… but it probably still doesn’t amount to much activity.
The 8 days previously, when I was in Hawaii, I was staying extremely active nonstop without any rest days, and we’ve seen already the positive effect of exercise on my ketones. I’m guessing the lack of movement allowed my glycogen levels to replenish, stimulating an insulin response, which caused my ketones to come back down.
First thing I did when I got back home was exercise! Need to keep the streak alive! Talk about motivation! I guess that’s one of the benefits of checking my numbers daily. I did 25 minutes of walking on a treadmill set to the highest incline at 2 mph. It was enough to make me break a light sweat and elevate my heart rate. I didn’t want to get too exhausted because I have three straight days of BJJ planned.

While the ratios were good, my caloric intake was on the higher end. This is thanks to the Five Guys Burger I had today… pictured above. IT was absolutely delicious… and filling. Didn’t eat much dinner afterwards.
This is actually a good option if there’s nothing around and you’re looking for convenience. Go to a fastfood burger place and get a burger without the bun. That actually gives good macros. Will the beef be grass fed and organic? No. Will the bacon be nitrite free and antibiotic fee? No. Will the cheese and butter come from grass fed cows? No. But it’s still better than not eating and then breaking down and eating carbs!
Another great bit of news is that my blog was featured on Jimmy Moore’s site! Thanks Jimmy!
Since I did a bit of exercise today and had good macros with carbs around 30 grams, hopefully my ketones will go up tomorrow. Forecast: 0.7 mmol.