Weight: 181.8
AM Ketones: 0.5
AM Blood Glucose: 87
Hours of Sleep: 7:54
Energy Level: Excellent
Physical Activity: Basketball
I could tell my ketones were going to be pretty low the moment I saw my glucose numbers. I do both tests at the same time, but since the ketone test takes a full 10 seconds and the blood glucose test takes 2-3 seconds, I always see the glucose results first. I’ve noticed that when my sugars are greater than 85, I can expect a low ketone number.
I did pretty well today with my diet. Started the day off with my hot cocoa fat bomb… then for lunch we went to a Brazilian BBQ Churrascaria place…. Perfect for a ketogenic diet… if not a little high on the protein side. No carbs whatsoever… just lots and lots of meat. Needless to say, this gave me a strong feeling of food coma afterwards which I addressed by napping through one of the lectures in my conference.
Had a great time playing basketball. 2 straight hours of almost non-stop sprinting back and forth had me feeling pretty tired. I didn’t bonk though… so I think that is a good function of being in ketosis. I figure this type of activity, for this duration should pretty much use up every last bit of glycogen I have stored up from the Chinese food. We’ll see tomorrow morning.