AM Ketones:
AM Blood Glucose: 81
Hours of Sleep: 7:49
Energy Level: Excellent
Physical Activity: BJJ
Feels kind of weird not having many measurements to report. At least my blood glucose is still on the low side. I’ll be positive and take that as a sign that my body is doing something right.
In terms of diet, today was one of those days where I just tried to do as much damage control as possible. We pretty much ate out the entire day, and I had to employ a lot of the methods I used when following Tim Ferriss’ “Slow Carb Diet” to minimize my carb intake.. things like, ordering a sandwich but only eating the insides… getting a bowl of chili but skipping the chips (I may or may not have snuck in a chip or two)… things like that. Some carbs most likely slipped in and my fat intake was probably not up to snuff. A nice trick that worked for me was we went to a Ramen house here and I drank the broth (chicken and beef based made with slow cooked bone broth) and ordered extra Cha-shu (fatty pork).
Two more days until I go home.. and hopefully my ketone strips will be waiting for me.. I’m a little scared to see what they tell me though!