Weight: 179.4
AM Ketones: 1.2
PM Ketones:
AM Blood Glucose: 72
PM Blood Glucose:
Hours of Sleep: 7:56
Energy Level: Excellent
Physical Activity: Crossfit
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I didn’t measure my PM ketones for two reasons.
1. I don’t think it provides an accurate reflection as to what’s going on in my body since it’s taken so close to when I eat dinner. And since I include coconut oil and other fats in my dinner, that can skew the measurement of ketones since the liver breaks down medium chain triglycerides immediately into ketones. For the purposes of my experiment, and for cost effectiveness, measuring AM ketones should be sufficient.
2. I only have 1 strip left! I ordered another shipment, but they’re still not here yet. So I wanted to be most efficient with my final strip for the time being and decided it’d be better to use it to measure my AM ketone levels tomorrow rather than tonite.
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Today was my third day of eating the same exact meal, with the only variation being my physical activity. Day 16 I did nothing. Day 17 I did some BJJ training. Day 18, today, I went to my first Crossfit class ever, and it kicked my ass. My legs are still sore from this morning. I anticipate that my ketone levels will be higher tomorrow given the intensity of the Crossfit work out (I almost threw up at one point… luckily I did it in a fasting state so I had nothing to hurl!).
I was little surprised at my morning fasting glucose. 72 is the lowest it’s been. I was curious to see if it would cause me to bonk out during the Crossfit training session… but it didn’t, which confirms to me that my body is still doing a good job of running off of my bountiful fat stores. I think this is one of the true tangibile benefits of nutritional ketosis above any other diet that is carbohydrate dependent as the primary source of energy.
My energy today level was great, but I think that had more to do with my almost getting 8 hours of sleep than with the fact that my ketone levels were 1.2 mmol.
We’ll see if I’m right about my ketones in the AM.
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