Weight: 179.6
AM Ketones: 0.7
AM Blood Glucose: 90
Hours of Sleep: 7:11
Energy Level: Excellent
Physical Activity: BJJ
Ketones have come back down to Earth… I guess the good times couldn’t last! I’m surprised by my blood sugar though, but one thing I forgot to track was that in the midst of making the blue berry cheesecake pictured, I was snacking on some blue-berries along the way and may have gone a little overboard.
Last night I was feeling ambitious and felt the urge to give in to my sweet tooth a bit so I went ahead and made (with help from my sister) a blue berry cheesecake according to a recipe suggested in “The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance.” It turned out pretty well, though the consistency was more of mousse or jello rather than that of a cheesecake.
The macronutrient break down of this when divided into 1/8 slices were:
Fat: 27 gm, Protein: 6.25 gm, Carbs: 15.6 gm, and Calories: 313.
The sweetener they recommended was Xylitol. While I actually really liked this cheese-mousse… no one else in my family did. They could tell the difference in taste of the non-sugar flavoring. Oh well… more for me! At least that’s what I thought initially. After I ate the second slice… I discovered the perils of Xylitol. I’ll just say that it left me with an upset stomach and multiple trips to the bathroom. I don’t think I should eat more than one slice/day… or at least within the span of 8 hours. I wish Volek and Phinney warned me of this!!!
Since I had an intense BJJ workout today and my macros were pretty good, I’ll predict that my ketones tomorrow will be 1.2 mmol, well within the range of nutritional ketosis.
I have trouble with many sweeteners too and have finally settled on Stevia and Erythritol. There is a brand, Swerve, that makes a great Erythritol blend that tastes really well in baked goods. My family used to avoid my low-carb desserts due to the unusual taste but they don’t have a problem with Swerve. You may want to give that a shot for your next dessert.
I’ll definitely give that a try once I finish this pack of xylitol. It’d be great to find something my family can enjoy too!